In this last blog on the subject of false teachers we will concentrate on the practical test that will detect false teachers. According to Matthew 7:16-22, Jesus tells us how we can know if a preacher is true or false. Jesus said, "Ye shall know them by their fruits" (v.16), and, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them" (v.20).
According to the context, false preachers are known by the fruit they feed on and the fruit they feed to others. If they feed on thorns and thistles and not on grapes and figs, they will feed others the same. Thorns and thistles are false food (false theology and practice) while grapes and figs are good food (sound theology and practice). False preachers are known by their fruits, that is, who they are, what they teach, and what they produce. They are counterfeiters who masquerade around as men who supposedly speak on behalf of God. God's Word is designed to test the validity of those who claim to speak on God's behalf. Jesus is simply teaching His followers that a preacher's production is to be critically evaluated. The fruits of his profession and production are to be carefully evaluated in light of God's Word. If what he says and what he does fails to line up with Biblical truth, he is false. All teaching and preaching, to be considered true, must be consistent with what "Thus saith the LORD."
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