Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Can The Bible Really Be Trusted?

Today's pluralistic society would have us believe that, in terms of what is truth, all religious writings are of equal importance and have equal value.  For many, it doesn't matter which religious group or organization a person belongs to, so long as that person is sincere in their efforts to follow the guidelines proported and handed down by the founder of the group or organization.  Truth, therefore, has become relative.  Everyone is entitled to discover or create their own brand of truth.  What is truth for one may or may not be truth for another.  Consequently, the Bible is viewed as just one of many books where truth can be found.  It is no more or no less truth than the Book of Mormons or Holy Koran.

The question born again Christians need to ask is not "Is the Bible a rule of faith and practice," but rather, "Is the Bible the only full, sufficient, clear, authoritative rule of faith and practice?"  For true believers in Jesus Christ, the Bible is not one of many sources of divine authority.  It is the only source of divine authority.  Such truth statement is based on the clear teaching of God's Word (2 Timothy 3:16, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness").  God says Himself that His Word is infallible, authoritative, and sufficient.  To deny this is to call God a liar!

Yes, the Bible can be trusted because it is God's Word, our final authority in all matters related to faith, principle, and practice!  Hallelujah!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent commentary on the authority of scripture.

    God Bless,
