Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wise Up!

The book of Proverbs provides God's detailed instructions for His people to deal successsfully with the practical affairs of everyday life.  Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, King Solomon, the principle author, gives the divine perspective necessary to handle life's challenges.  The dominant theme of Proverbs is wisdom in its various aspects.  In Proverbs "wisdom" (Hebrew, hokma) is skill in living as God intends, and is often connected with both understanding and knowledge.  Wisdom instructs God's people on how to live wisely in a foolish world. 

A very good habit to follow is to read one chapter of the book of Proverbs each day (the chapter will coincide with the numbered day of the month).  DO THE MATH.  Following this habit means you will read through the entire book of Proverbs each month, and 12 times over the span of one year.  One can only imagine the powerful impact this will have on your personal relationship with Christ and your Christian walk of faith.   Don't you think its time to "WISE-UP"?  God bless!